CJSCN statement regarding Black Lives Matter

Originally posted on the CJSCN homepage in July 2020

In light of the current ongoing movements and calls for racial equality and justice in the US and around the world, the California-Japan Sister Cities Network would like to take a moment to express its support for the black community, and those individuals and organizations who are doing the difficult work of making our global society a more equitable one. As a support network for sister city relationships and international cultural exchanges, CJSCN  believes that people are to be treated with respect, compassion, and dignity. We strive to provide valuable resources to everyone, regardless of background, in the hopes of promoting mutual understanding between different cultures - this includes recognizing each of our inherent biases and working to do better. CJSCN will do whatever we can to be a part of positive change, and we welcome input from the sister city organizations we support on how we can assist their efforts to be inclusive.