CJSCN Newsletter: Submission Form for News & Other Announcements 

The CJSCN newsletter is published on the 1st of each month, and highlights not only announcements from CJSCN, but also noteworthy news from all California-Japan sister city organizations.

If you have a news item that you would like to share with our network via the CJSCN newsletter, please send it to us using the submission form below.

Please note that this form is NOT for upcoming event postings. While we will include a link to our state-wide sister city event calendar in our newsletter, we envision the newsletter as focusing on non-event interest items, such as cultural exchange stories, student updates, event summaries, organization leadership changes, etc. If you would like to submit an event, please use this form instead.

Additionally, please note that all news items will be quite short in length (max 150 words). This is because we recognize that the majority of people view emails on phones or tablets these days, so our newsletter will be formatted to fit best on those devices. For in-depth stories that deserve a longer write up, we can host the full text on our website and link to that from the shorter write up in our newsletter. We will accept one photo per story if available; please see the instructions in the submission form below.